Radio La Voz del Séptimo Sello


Music & Audio


Our Headquarters is in San José Costa Rica, but we are a group ofbelievers in the Lord Jesus Christ, worldwide, that we have found atreasure, a divine message promised in the scripture of Saint Matthew 24:31.The great Voice of the Trumpet as Jesus Christ promised through his Angelmessenger of Revelation 22:16, where it says: I Jesus have sent my angelto bear witness to these things in the churches. I am the root and theline of David, the shining star of the morning.That Messenger Angel has the mission of gathering the children of God written in the Lambs Book of Life, and in this final time is revealing themysteries that God told the prophet Daniel, that would be opened in thetime of the end and as we all know we have reached the end of timewhere those thunders of Revelation chapter 10, are already being revealedby this great prophet promised in scripture, as the coming of the Sonof Man on earth, and the most glorious is the great mercy ofGod, having called us with that voice of Revelation 4: 1 that invites us togo up to a higher age, after seven ages, to go up to ageof the Cornerstone, where this Messenger Angel is revealing the SeventhSeal, which is; the Second Coming of Our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ with anew name as Revelation 3:12, Isaiah 52: 6 says.